Now that you have a node that runs nicely with Django’s test server, the last remaining step is to configure the server that will run the node in a production setup.
How and on which server you set up your node to run permanently, is much dependent on your technical resources and the solution we give here is just one out of several possibilities (although we also quickly mention the most common alternative).
Our recommended way for hosting your node by yourself on a server is Gunicorn (, apt-get install gunicorn on a Debian system) which is aware of Django and understands its settings.
You would write a gunicorn.conf file (you find it in nodes/ExampleNode) like this:
import os
def numCPUs():
if not hasattr(os, "sysconf"):
raise RuntimeError("No sysconf detected.")
return os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
workers = numCPUs() * 2 + 1
#bind = ""
bind = "unix:/tmp/gunicorn.sock"
pidfile = "/tmp/"
logfile = "/tmp/gunicorn.log"
loglevel = "info"
timeout = 60
daemon = True
and then simply start it from within your node directory with:
$ gunicorn_django -c gunicorn.conf
The example config makes Gunicorn listen at a unix-socket. Even though you can connect it to a TCP-port instead (see commented out line), you do not want external requests sent directly to Gunicorn, but to a proxy instead. This proxy takes care of the load balancing between the Gunicorn worker processes and can compress the XML output from your node before sending it.
Nginx (, apt-get install nginx on a Debian system) is a fast and light-weight web server. To configure it to serve the running node with Gunicorn, according to the example above, you would configure it like this:
upstream app_server {
server unix:/tmp/gunicorn.sock;
server {
listen 8080; ## listen for ipv4
listen [::]:8080 default ipv6only=on; ## listen for ipv6
access_log /var/log/nginx/vamdc.access.log;
location /yournode/tap/ {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host/yournode;
proxy_pass http://app_server/tap/;
proxy_redirect http://app_server/tap/ /yournode/tap/;
gzip on;
gzip_types text/plain application/xml text/xml;
gzip_proxied any;
Note that you probably want to edit the port, server name and the location at which to serve the node (change /yournode/tap at three places but make them match each other).
If you installed nginx with the debian/ubuntu package, you can place symbolic links to the config file into /etc/nginx/ like this to make it use the config above:
$ cd /etc/nginx/sites-available/
$ sudo ln -s $VAMDCROOT/nodes/YourNode/nginx.conf vamdcnode
$ cd ../sites-enabled/
$ sudo ln -s ../sites-available/vamdcnode
$ sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart
What you choose as proxy for Gunicorn is somewhat arbitrary. Common alternatives to nginx are lighttpd or Apache. Especially if the server that is to run your node already has an Apache running for serving other websites, it makes sense to simply tell it how to proxy your Gunicorn server:
ProxyPass /yournode http://localhost:8000
ProxyPassReverse /yournode http://localhost:8000
As an alternative to deplyment with Gunicorn plus proxy, the Apache webserver can not only act as a proxy but also replace Gunicorn by using its mod_wsgi plugin to run the Python code directly. The main disadvantage of this setup is that you cannot configure and restart the node independantly from Apache, so the likelyhood of interfering with any other sites that Apache serves is larger.
There are two example files in your node directory for setting this up:
Once you have set this up and re-started the Apache webserver, your node should deliver data at the configured URL.
There are several upcoming hosting solutions that support Django directly so that you simply would upload the code and your database and everything is taken care of for you. Once these services mature, they are probably a very good solution for nodes with relatively small volumes of data.
Searching the web for “django hosting” will point you in the right direction, as does this list
Finally, a few words on logging the access to your node. There are two basic ways:
The webserver/proxy, be it nginx or apache, keeps a log on when, how and by whom your node is accessed. Since the query itself is in the accessed URL, it also ends up in these logs. There are many tools to analyze and visualize this kind of logs. In the case of Apache/WSGI-deployment, errors in the NodeSoftware show up the webservers error-log since it is the former that executes the latter. With gunicorn, the webserver knows nothing about the NodeSoftware’s errors since it only acts as a proxy. Gunicorn keeps its own logs.
However, the webserver logs usually contain no information about what happened inside the NodeSoftware. If you want to keep tabs on how much data was returned from each query, how long it took to process and so on, you need to tell the NodeSoftware to save this information for you - this is where the logging-facility comes into play.
Nodes will primarily use this in their where you initialize it like this:
import logging
>>> log = logging.getLogger('vamdc.node.queryfu')
Then any of the following can be used to log messages of different levels:
>>> log.debug('some text with a variable: %s'%variable)
>>> log.warning('bla')
>>> log.error('bla')
>>> log.critical('bla')
Where these messages end up is configured in and you can as usual override the default in the node’s own For example, you set the location and name of the log-file like this:
LOGGING['handlers']['logfile']['filename'] = '/path/to/yourlog.log'
Critical errors (using log.critical()) are sent to the configured admin email address. You need to supply a valid address and make sure your server can send emails. The email address that these messages are sent from can bet set with SERVER_EMAIL='vamdcnode@your.server'.
If you want to turn off the logging of debug messages, you can add the following for turning them on or off, depending on your global DEBUG setting:
if not DEBUG:
LOGGING['handlers']['logfile']['level'] = 'INFO'
For further information see