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The Code

You can download the NodeSoftware as tar.gz at these locations:

Please see Upgrading.

The development repository resides at and you are welcome to use the version control software git to check out your own copy. This takes a few more minutes to set up but has the benefit of facilitating collaboration. After all, you might makes changes or extend the code for your needs and we would like to include your improvements into the main repository.

Collaborating with git and GitHub

Git is a decentralized version control system ( This means among other things that:

  • Each checked out copy of the code has the full version history.
  • There is no central repository, all repositories (“repos”) are equal (but some can be made more equal than others, as we’ll see below).
  • Commits happen locally into your working repo, no network connection needed.
  • Repos are updated and synced with each other by pushing and pulling commits back and forth between them.
  • There are web-platforms that offer free web-repositories which facilitates syncing and merging. We’ll use GitHub (

The setup that we want looks like this:

The three repositories and their relation
  • The local repository (also known as your “working copy”) is your own workspace. This is where you do all your work. It offers you full local version control without necessarily having to upload the changes anywhere. We’ll get to how you create your local repo in a minute.
  • Your origin is an online version of your repository, stored online at GitHub. When you want to sync the two you need to push your latest local changes to origin. Once online, others will also be able to see the changes.
  • Upstream is a unique repository that serves as an online code “central” managed by VAMDC. It too is hosted on GitHub. Upstream serves as a convenient way to update your distribution; you should regularly pull the latest changes into your local repo to stay updated. Conversely, if you want your own changes to be incoorperated into the central distribution you can send a pull request to upstream. The relevant commit(s) in your origin repo will be reviewed and will, if accepted, be merged into upstream so that others will get the changes next time they do a pull.
  • You can certainly have several local repositories, e.g. one on your laptop, one on your desktop and one on the server where the node runs. You then use the online origin repository to keep them in sync. For example: You work from your laptop and commit your changes locally. You then push them to your origin repository. Next all you need to do is to tell your other local repos to pull from origin and they will all be synced.

Now enough with theory, let’s do this in practice. To create your own repositories (origin and local) do the following:

  • Go to and make an account. This includes that you (create and) upload an ssh-key to be able to pull and push securely and without typing your password all the time. Simply follow the instructions on GitHub.
  • Visit the repository at and klick “fork” in the upper right corner. This will make a copy of the original repository under your account. This is your origin (see above). For more information on forking, you can read
  • Github will give you instructions on how to clone your origin to your own computer, thereby creating a local repo, your local repository, aka your “working copy”.
  • You can repeat the cloning on as many machines as you see fit.
  • Tell your local repos where upstream is by running the following command in each of them: git remote add upstream git://

Now that you are all set, a typical working session may look like this:

$ cd $VAMDCROOT               # got to your local repo
$ git status                  # should tell you you have a clean tree and are on the branch "master"
$ git pull origin             # pull from your origin, in case you pushed things there from another of your local repos.
$ git pull upstream           # fetch the latest from upstream and merge it with your tree.
$ git log                     # read the commit log about what is new.
$ ....                    # edit your files
$ git status                  # review which files have changed
$ git diff                    # review details of your changes
$ git diff <filename>         # see canges in one file only
$ git add <filename>          # add a file to be commited with the next commit, e.g. a new file
$ git commit -a -m "message"  # commit all changed files. ALWAYS check the status before you use -a to prevent that you commit unwanted files.
$ git commit -m "message" <filenames>   # commit, but include only the named files in the commit
$ ....                   # more edits, more commits. until, at the end of day:
$ git status                  # also tells you how many commits you are ahead of your origin
$ git push                    # push all commits to your origin, also the new ones that came from upstream.


There are several graphical user interfaces available for git that will facilitate overview and some operations for the less command-line adept. Commonly used ones for Linux are gitk and gitg. Good editors also integrate with git so that you can handle the version control from within the editor.

After you pushed your work to your origin, you can go to the GitHub wesite and send a pull request to the upstream repository, if you want your changes to be propagated to everybody else. We will then look at your commits and merge them.

A few dos and don’ts that are worthwhile to keep in mind with git:

  • Do commit often. It goes instantly.
  • Pull and push less often, but often enough. You certainly want to pull from upstream before making changes, since you otherwise might work on outdated versions of files which will result in conflicts later. You also do no want to sit on your local commits for too long but push them frequently instead.
  • Never pull into a dirty tree (i.e. one that has uncommitted changes). Commit first, then pull. Alternatively read git help stash.
  • Do not commit data files that you have put in your node directory. (check git status on what will be committed before you use git commit -a.)
  • Git trusts you know what you are doing. It will allow you to do stupid things, too.
  • Don’t panic. Yes, git may have a comparably steep learning curve, but it is a powerful tool and all problems can be resolved.

Situations that commonly arise and how to solve them

Merge conflicts. When you pull from Upstream into your repo, other’s changes are merged with yours. It might however happen that someone else has changed the same line in the same file as you have in onw of your own commits, which results in a merge conflict. The pull commands warns you about this and git status shows the file in question as “both modified”. The file itself contains both versions of the conflicting lines, clearly marked. Edit the file so that only one version remains and remove the markings. Then you simply commit the file (and push).

Undo a commit. To undo a commit means exactly that, not that any of the files change. For example, undoing the last commit leaves you with as much uncommitted changes as you had before your last commit. None of your edits is reversed. Undoing commits is practical e.g. when you have committed too many things at once or unwanted files; or when you want to split one commit into several. You undo a commit with git reset –soft <REF> where <REF> is the commit that should be resetted to (i.e. the next-to-last one, if you want to undo your last commit). Common values for <REF> include:

  • HEAD^ - this is the next-to-last
  • HEAD^^ - the one before the next-to-last.
  • HEAD~5 - five commits back
  • 111521cb9d3771e636f5f053d3d1048aa7c8852f - each commit has a long hash number that uniquely identifies it. They can be seen in git log and you can give the hash number of the commit that you want to reset to to git reset.

Revert to an earlier version. If you want to throw away your edits since a certain commit, you use git reset –hard. For example, to revert all files to the state that they were in at the last commit (thow away uncommitted changes), you do git reset –hard HEAD. Similarly to the soft reset, you can also specify earlier commits that you want to reset to.

Look at an earlier version. You can check out any earlier version of any file at any time. For example, git checkout “master@{1 month ago}” <filename>” will give you the version of the file <filename> from a month ago. To go back to the latest, you do git checkout master <filename> (“master” is the name of the default branch where all you commits are). Note that the last command can also be used to thow away uncommitted changes in a specific file - a more gentle way than the reset described above.

You can also skip the <filename> to check out an earlier version of the whole repo (git checkout master brings you back to the latest). Instead of “master@{1 month ago}” you can use any of the <REF> mentioned above, or have a look at

Make a branch. Read git help branch for this.

Commit guidelines

One thing at a time. Please commit often and only include things in one commit that logically belong together. For example, changes to your node and changes to the common library should not be in the same commit but committed separately.

Meaningful commit messages. This goes together with the previous: If you cannot meaningfully summarize the changes you want to commit in onw or two lines, your commit is likely to be too large. Try to make the log messages meaningful!

Good code. Please try to avoid spaghetti-code, write modular, and follow

Pull first. Before you send a pull request, please make sure that you have pulled from upstream. This will make the merging of your code easier, since it will be you who needs to resolve potential conflicts before you push to your origin again.

The admin of upstream (aka the writer of these lines) might be bribed and/or convinced to turn a blind eye on violations against any of the above points, but he will be very happy if you try to follow them.

Source code documentation

The following is the automatically generated documentation from the source code. It lists and describes all functions, classes etc.