
2016/01/26 - VAMDC-STFC Meeting for astrophysics users

The UK members of the European Consortium VAMDC (Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre, are holding an STFC-funded meeting to discuss tools for atomic and molecular data access developed in the UK over the last 12 months.

The meeting will provide an update on new functionality developed to access a wide range of A&M data available through the VAMDC interfaces.

An additional aim of the workshop will be to allow UK users to identify priorities in access to A&M data in the next 2-5 years, and how opportunities to secure funding through European initiatives might be exploited.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday 26 January at the Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, starting at 10am (coffee from 09.30) and aiming to finish by 5.30pm.

Please register at       There will be no registration fee and lunch will be provided.

Outline Programme

10.00 Arrival and coffee

Session 1 VAMDC Developments
10.30 Welcome and Meeting Goals – Nic Walton (Cambridge)
10.35 VAMDC Portal updates – Guy Rixon (Cambridge)

11.00-11.30 Coffee

Session 2 Improvements in VAMDC Databases
11.00 UMIST Database for Astrochemistry – P Woods (QUB)
11.25 New open-source GUIs for astrophysical spectroscopy — Giulio Del Zanna (Cambridge)
11.50 RADAM – A Solovyov (MBN RC, Frankfurt)

12.15 – 13.45 Lunch

Session 3 Improvements in VAMDC Data
13.45 Data Formats for large data sets – C Hill (UCL)
14:10 New Planetary Science Databases – N J Mason (OU)
14.35 Quantifying Uncertainties in theoretical data – C Hill (for J Tennyson) (UCL)
15.00 STFC Solid State Data Discussions – Nigel Mason (OU)

15.30 – 16.00 Tea

Session 4 Future directions and trends
16.00 Big Data and Astronomical missions – N Walton (Cambridge)
16.20 Discussion future EU bids and UK infrastructure for Space Databases

17.00 END

List of attendees

Christian Hill: UCL
Chris Kexel: MBN Research Centre, Frankfurt
Nigel Mason: OU
Tom Milar: QUB
Guy Rixon: IoA, Cambridge
Andrey Solovyov: MBN Research Centre, Frankfurt
Nic Walton: IoA, Cambridge
Paul Woods: QUB
Giulio Del Zanna: DAMTP, Cambridge