About Us


The VAMDC Consortium is a consortium of Institutes and Research Institutions that share a common technical and political framework for the distribution and curation of atomic and molecular data.

The VAMDC Consortium technical framework relies on the use of the e-science VAMDC infrastructure that provides the international research community with access to a broad range of atomic and molecular (A&M) data compiled within a set of A&M databases accessible through the provision of a single portal. Furthermore VAMDC aims to provide A&M data providers and compilers with a large dissemination platform for their work. Section “Research Services” provides all information on the VAMDC e-science infrastructure.

The VAMDC Consortium political framework relies on rules of collaboration and organisation that are described in the Memorandum of Understanding and in the Internal Regulations documents. See section How to join us.


  • Activities-


    The VAMDC Consortium Activities are defined as (see Article 2.1 of the MoU):


    • distribution, curation, access to atomic and molecular data through the “VAMDC Infrastructure” as defined in the Internal Regulations document
    • maintenance, upgrade and evolution of the “VAMDC Infrastructure”
    • promotion of scientific evaluation/validation of atomic and molecular data
    • promotion of scientific activities linked to the production of atomic and molecular data
    • promotion of access to data with different users: research, education, business, outreach
    • organisation of meetings open to external people
    • specification of VAMDC-XSAMS standards and extensions thereto