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How to join VAMDC Consortium as a member

You might become a VAMDC Consortium Member under conditions set up in the Memorandum of Understanding, Articles 3.1 and 3.2. For further details and information, contact director[at]vamdc.eu


  • MoU's Articles 3.1 and 3.2-


    3.1 VAMDC Consortium Full Members


    • The VAMDC Consortium Full Members are institutions that hold physically a resource tagged « VAMDC », i.e. a database or a service registered in the “VAMDC” registries, or that maintain/update a documentation officially tagged « VAMDC ».
    • Otherwise full members can be institutions paying annual membership fees set by the Board of Directors.

    Full Members can participate in calls engaging the VAMDC infrastructure and can use the “VAMDC brand”. Accession to full member status is granted by the Board of Directors and an accession document is signed.


    3.2 VAMDC Consortium Associated Members


    The VAMDC Consortium Associated Members are institutions, scientific groups, SMEs, companies that collaborate with the members for the benefit of the « VAMDC resources » and that have been co-opted by a VAMDC Consortium Member.

    Accession to the Associated Member status is granted by the Board of Directors and an accession document is signed.


    3.3 Request for membership


    Any request for membership will be subject to the following conditions:


    • To fulfill Article 3.1 or 3.2
    • To make the commitment to abide by the Articles of this Memorandum of Understanding and the regulations of the VAMDC Consortium

    When deciding on request for membership the Board of Directors will not have to justify its decision, which will be without appeal.