About Us
The chemical reactions are stored with their measured and/or calculated rate coefficients. Several rate coefficients can be given if several data are available in the literature and/or values are different over different ranges of temperature. The temperature range of validity is also given when known. Detailed on the method to measure or calculate the rate coefficients can also be given together with information on the origin of the data (bibliographic reference for instance). The update of the database as well as the addition of new data can be done my the users themselves under the control of a group of experts in physico-chemistry. For some identified important reactions, recommandations on the values to be used are given in the database as well.
Scientific objectives-
This database was built in order to improve the work done by chemists on the rate coefficients and the interactions between them and astrophysicists who use the data.
Methodology for data-
The data stored in KIDA come from other databases and from the literature. Several methods are used to obtain the rates. From the literature, it is mostly experimental measurements and quantum calculations. From other databases, most of the rate coefficients are guessed by looking for instance at other similar studied systems. All data can be added to KIDA unless they are known to be wrong. Data can have four status:
- Wrong: means that we noticed a mistake after including the data.
- Unknown: means that we do not know about the quality of the data. This status is used mostly for guesses rate coefficients.
- Valid: means that there is a trusted bibliographic reference. This status is used mostly for rate coefficients published by chemists.
- Recommended: means that experts have reviews the existed data and recommend to use this value over the associated range of temperature. This status is justified by a datasheet.
Services linked to the database-
We provide several additional services:
- Several chemical networks extracted from KIDA are available for specific applications. For instance, kida.uva.2011 is a network for interstellar applications up to 300K. There is also a network for Titan’s atmosphere and hot jupiters. Those networks are associated to publications.
- Astrophysicists can store their networks as ascii files on the website. This is often asked by editors.
- A fortran code to compute the chemical evolution of the gas in the interstellar medium is given. Its name is nahoon.
Scientific manager: Valentine Wakelam (valentine.wakelam[at]u-bordeaux.fr)
Technical manager: Pierre Gratier (pierre.gratier[at]u-bordeaux.fr)
Files to download
KIDA poster