About Us



Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INASAN) has grown from the Astronomical Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The Astronomical Council was founded in 1936 for the coordination of the astronomical research. With the beginning of the space era in early sixties the Astronomical Council became leading institution in observations of artificial satellites and related applied research. In 1980 the Astronomical Data Center was established in the Astronomical Council as a part of the Strasbourg Centre de Donnees Stellaire (CDS). The emergence and rapidly growing scientific role of the research in the sattelite geodesy, astronomy and astrophysics has led to the transformation of the Astronomical Council into the research institution that is widely known as INASAN.

  • Role-


    At present INASAN carries out basic scientific investigations and applied research in the field of astronomy. The main research fields of the INASAN are: physics of stellar atmospheres and stellar spectroscopy; theoretical problems of physics and evolution of stars, stellar systems and interstellar medium; investigation of non-stationary stars; physics of gravitating stellar and planetary systems; informational support of astronomical studies (astronomical databases); theoretical and applied problems of astrometry, geodynamics and geophysics; methods of observations of artificial and natural celestial bodies; space research. INASAN is the leading institution of the project «World Space Observatory – UltraViolet».

    The Institute also intensively participates in activities connected with the control of the space and the investigation of the problems of asteroid and comet hazard.


    The news and information on current events of the INASAN is available at the web page [http://www.inasan.ru].

  • Scientific Interest of VAMDC Members-


    Observations and analysis of stellar spectra are the main instrument used for study of the stellar atmospheres. Spectral line formation in the atmosphere of a star is a very complex process and it requires a detailed treatment with non-local thermodynamic equilibrium taken into account for correct interpretation of the observations. In INASAN the comprehensive research in the field of both stellar spectra theory and observations is carried on. The results are successfully applied to study the mechanisms of the anomalies in the chemical composition of atmospheres.

    INASAN scientists are involved in various studies related to early stages of protostellar and stellar evolution. Specific research directions include chemical evolution of protostellar clouds and protoplanetary disks, evolution of HII regions, dust formation and destruction in star-forming regions, chemical effect of grain growth in protoplanetary disks, line and continuum radiation transfer in related objects, etc.



    More information is available at [http://www.inasan.ru/eng/data.html]

  • Contact-


    Partner/Node contact: T Ryabchikova (ryabchik[at]inasan.ru)