About Us
Institute of Spectroscopy RAS
[Partners in SUP@VAMDC project, but not yet partners in VAMDC Consortium.]
Institute for Spectroscopy was established in 1968 as a successor of the Commission for Spectroscopy within the General physics and astronomy Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. At present the Institute is a part of Russian Academy of Sciences, Physical Sciences Branch.The staff consists of about 200 people, about half are researchers, among them over 50 Ph.D. and over 25 Professors (employees with second doctor degree).
The main fields of scientific activity of the Institute were defined by the decision of USSR Academy of Sciences in 1968. Their content evolved over time, and nowadays they can be stated as follows:
- Broad-range spectroscopy of atoms, ions, molecules, clusters, plasma, condensed matter (bulk and surface), novel materials with ultrahigh temporal, spectral, spatial resolution. Development of new spectroscopic methods.
- Laser spectroscopy (including applications for atom optics, nanophotonics, femtooptics, photochemistry, photobiology, analytical chemistry, nanotechnologies, isotopes separation etc.)
- Analytical spectroscopy (including applications in technologies, for diagnostics purposes in material sciences, medicine, ecology etc.)
- Development of unique apparatus, spectral instruments, detection systems, methods for spectral analysis in fundamental sciences as well as in applied fields.
- Education of scientific personnel of highest degree (diploma students, Ph.D. students, Doctor Habilitation).
The achievements of the Institute are widely recognized both in Russia and abroad. Devices and methods created within the Institute are effectively used in national economy, defense, medicine, ecology. Many of them are unique.
Atomic data production, critical evaluation of published atomic data, preparation of the data for incorporation into the node of VAMDC: Vienna Atomic Line Database (VALD). Conversion of VALD data to unified VAMDC format.
Databases and Services-
A Database of Bibliography on Atomic Spectra (BIBL). It is accessible on line from the site [http://das101.isan.troitsk.ru/bibl.htm]. The topics covered by BIBL are:
- Spectra of atoms and atomic ions: ionization potentials, line classification, energy levels, wavelengths, hyperfine structure, isotopic effects, broadening and shifts of spectral lines, the Stark and Zeeman effects, plasma diagnostics, astrophysical spectra, theory of atomic spectra, radiation and autoionization rates, oscillator strengths, QED and relativistic effects in atoms and ions, atomic-spectroscopy tests of the fundamental principles, spectral sources, techniques of spectral measurements.
- Cross sections of the collision processes: excitation and ionization by electrons and photons, multi-photon processes, Auger decay, ion-electron recombination. To less extent – charge exchange, excitation and ionization in collisions with heavy particles – if any new data related to the atomic structure are obtained in these publications.
Scientific Interest of VAMDC Members-
Laboratory analysis of the atomic and ionic spectra throughout the Periodic Table from the light elements such as boron to heavy elements of six period. The work is based on a high resolution spectroscopic equipment and on the theoretical calculations of atomic spectra using a variety of theoretical approaches (Hartree – Fock, Dirac – Fock, orthogonal operator technique and others).
List of Members:
Alexandr N. Ryabtsev
Rimma R. Kildiyarova
Partner/Node contact: Alexandr N. Ryabtsev (ryabtsev[at]isan.troisk.ru)