About Us
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
[Partners in SUP@VAMDC project, but not yet partners in VAMDC Consortium.]
Established in 1959, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) is the leading national research institute in charge of the R&D of nuclear technologies including reactor design, fuel development, safety assessment, waste management, nuclear data evaluation, neutron and radiation applications, and so on for the peaceful use of atomic energy.
- Nuclear Reactor [http://www.kaeri.re.kr:8080/english/sub/sub04_01.jsp]: Development of advanced nuclear reactors with a substantially improved safety, economics and environment-friendly features.
- Nuclear Fuel [http://www.kaeri.re.kr:8080/english/sub/sub04_02.jsp]: Improvement of the efficiency of commercial and research reactors through the development of an advanced nuclear fuel with innovative features for improving their safety and economics.
- Fuel Cycle [http://www.kaeri.re.kr:8080/english/sub/sub04_03.jsp]: Development of nuclear fuel cycle technology for the reuse and safe disposal of spent fuels.
- Research Reactor [http://www.kaeri.re.kr:8080/english/sub/sub04_04.jsp]: Utilization of the 30MW capacity of HANARO, the nation’s first multi-purpose research reactor, constructed by its own technologies in 1995 for various R/D activities.
- Applied Industrial Technology [http://www.kaeri.re.kr:8080/english/sub/sub04_09.jsp]: Development of advanced applied nuclear technology.
- Radiation [http://www.kaeri.re.kr:8080/english/sub/sub04_05.jsp]: Development of high value-added new technologies by combining radiation technology (RT) and new technological fields such as BT, ET, IT, NT and ST with a focus on the Jeongeup Advanced Radiation Technology Institute as a hub.
- Nuclear Safety [http://www.kaeri.re.kr:8080/english/sub/sub04_06.jsp]: Pursuit to secure the safety of nuclear facilities by developing safety analysis codes, demonstrating the safety of systems and components experimentally, and developing robots for an inspection of nuclear power plants.
- Future Technology [http://www.kaeri.re.kr:8080/english/sub/sub04_07.jsp]: Endeavor to create next-generation growth engines by synthesizing advanced nuclear technologies and futuristic cutting edge technologies, including a high power proton accelerator development, laser optics research and nuclear fusion research.
To support those activities above, Nuclear Data Center has been established in KAERI, which is taking care of production, evaluation, dissemination of the nuclear data as well as the atomic and molecular data, with databases [http://atom.kaeri.re.kr] and [http://amods.kaeri.re.kr] respectively. Those databases are the members of the nuclear data centers organized by IAEA.
More information is available here.
Role of KAERI in VAMDC is to extend VAMDC to Korea, which is described in detail in the SUP@VAMDC proposal documents.
Databases and Services-
Since the initial launch in 1997, AMODS (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Database Systems) in KAERI has been evolved into a multiple database structure to contain many features related to atomic spectroscopy and collisional processes. It is now recognized as the primary AMO database in Korea and is in service worldwide for the scientific communities which require extensive amount of atomic and molecular data, including atomic structure and transition probabilities, electron impact excitation/ionization cross sections, and so on. It also provides services of real-time execution of atomic data codes such as ALADDIN, MCDF, population dynamics for multiphoton ionization (MPI) of three-level atomic system, and so on. AMODS is a member of the International Data Center Network (IDCN) managed by IAEA.
More information is available here.
Scientific Interest of VAMDC Members-
The science interests of the KAERI VAMDC members are:
- Theoretical and experimental study of Atomic spectroscopy for Astrophysics,Quantum Optics, and Nuclear Fusion
- Computer simulation of high density plasma for nuclear fusion research
Partner/Node contact: Duck-Hee Kwon (hkwon[at]kaeri.re.kr)