Education [Eng]

VAMDC is an open, scientific, worldwide e-infrastructure that inter connects databases with data on atoms and molecules. The atomic and molecular data available through our infrastructure describe the microscopic world of atoms, molecules, particles and their interaction: energies, frequencies, radiative transitions and their properties, reaction properties for simple systems.
At the level of Education Curriculae these scientific topics start to be investigated in the range 15 to 18 years old and above. More relevant to any level of education are the learning area linked to our user communities. Indeed our data are used by researchers from other domains; for example:
- in astrophysics in order to understand the chemical composition of a galaxy, of an interstellar cloud, of a planet’s or star’s atmosphere
- in atmospheric physics in order to find the concentration of pollutants of our atmosphere and even for measuring the speed of wind
- in plasma physics
- in biophysics in order to simulate the path of electrons in living tissues for radiotherapy applications
The Education actions are planned to be conducted into the national langages in order to encourage connection to all levels of education.
Our Objectives for Education-
Our objectives for education are the following:
- To give easy access to atomic and molecular data and information related to these data
- To provide innovative pedagogical resources such as software in agreement with the national curriculae in order to illustrate lectures at all level of education
- To re-inforce the link between research and education
- To create national networks, and to interconnect them at the international level
- To be partners of public institutions
- To support teachers and lecturers, and bring them our knowledge on our scientific expertise linked to e-science
- To offer training on the developed education tools
Our Strategy for Education-
Our strategy for education is based :
- On working with individual teachers in order to define the appropriate pedagogical resources for a given level of education. This includes the development of software performing some visualisation of data, the simulation of the macroscopic world, the creation of local selective databases that would full fill some pedagogical goals
- On communication and marketing actions that
- highlight the examples of available education resources
- propose training for those resources
- offer collaborations and describe the modes of financing
- On offering continuous education resources and work with the continuous education departments of the universities
Our Financing and Leadership Strategy for Education-
- The actions are carried out by the « VAMDC Consortium » members who have some professional interest in those activities. Each member has the intellectual property of its own developed products (software, database, educational documents) and is responsible for their maintenance and upgrade
- The financing of small scale actions is carried out within the scope of the teaching duties of the « VAMDC Consortium » members through developing pedagogical resources as part as their share of teaching hours in their teaching departments or as part of their student supervising hours
- The financing of large scale actions requires stakeholders support at national or international level
- The external partners from the educational world will become « associated members » of the « VAMDC Consortium » and therefore will be invited to participate to the « Education Working Group », as defined in the Status and Internal Regulations of the « VAMDC Consortium »