Research Services



PDL is a standard of the Inernational Virtual Observatory Alliance for describing deploying and running scientific services and workflows [].

By using the PDL framework we exposed VAMDC as a PDL web service, accepting requests on radiative process. As for all the PDL services, the users can interact with the VAMDC-PDL one by using a standalone Java-Swing client or by using the Taverna Workflow Engine.

  • Scientific Use Case-


    Using the Taverna Workflow Engine, the VAMDC-PDL service could be invoked as a part of a more complex workflow for processing, inter calibrating or comparing data.



    In the sample video, we use Taverna for submitting a query. Then Taverna invokes the standalone XSAMS Converter for processing the computed results. The result of this last step is automatically displayed by taverna into a web browser.


  • Tutorial-


    A tutorial for configuring Taverna to work with the VAMDC-PDL service could be found here: